Services For
Company & Firms
Entity formation-Incorporation
- Drafting Memorandum and Articles for the Companies and Partnership deeds for the firms.
- Assistance to obtain incorporation for companies and registration for firm with Registrar of Joint Stock and Companies (RJSC).
Annual returns (Companies)
Assisting companies to file their annual returns at RJSC.
Helping companies regarding their Tax-Vat issues.
HR Issues
Assisting companies to drat their employment agreement and tackle HR issues.
Legal Vetting
Doing Legal Vetting for companies and firms.
Legal Notice
Sending and replying on behalf of the firm or company.
Representing the Firm or Company at arbitration.
Helping companies to procure trade license.
Intellectual Property
Obtaining copyright, patent and trademark.
Changes in Entities
- Change of Articles and Memorandum (Companies)
- Change in Partnership Deed
- Change of Directors (Addition or Removal)
- Change of Partners (Addition or Removal)
- Change of Share structure
- Issuance of new shares
- Sale of shares
Audit issues
Helping companies with their annual audits and filing.
Compliance issues
Assisting companies and Firms with their compliance issues
Legal Drafting
Drafting all category agreement for companies and firms.
Land procurement
Conducting land procurement and doing all other tasks related thereto.
Representing the Firm or Company at any given negotiation process.
Last option for any firm or company, we consider it as last ditch option, however, if it becomes necessary, we try to make it as fast as possible.
Approval and Permissions
Helping companies to procure required approvals and permissions from respective authorities.
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Road-7, House-9, Section-11, Block-D, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1216
+880 1534 001030